GPS art of a tiger drawn on a shrine dedicated to the Shimazu family✨
This is a course to draw a tiger, the animal of the Chinese zodiac, around the center of Kagoshima City and Terukuni Shrine. It is a challenging course with many turns, but the joy of completing it will be overwhelming.
Shimazu Nariakira, the 11th lord of the Kagoshima domain, was granted the divine title of Terukuni Daimyojin by the emperor in 1863, and built Terukuni Shrine in 1864. The shrine is located in the center of Kagoshima City and is usually visited by about 300,000 people during the New Year’s visit. In the precincts of the shrine, there are statues and a museum where you can trace his achievements.

1st work was authorized by Guinness World Records as “the Largest GPS Drawing”.
He is the only Japanese person to be featured in a Google documentary as an innovator. He is fascinated by the idea of drawing with GPS and has published more than 1,500 courses.