Snake in Yodohime Shrine, Saga City 16km


GPS art of a snake, drawn at a Snake spot in Saga🐍✨

This GPS art course takes visitors to the area around Yodohime Shrine, a famous snake’s spot in Saga, where you can draw a snake, the animal of the Chinese zodiac.
Yodohime Shrine in Saga City, founded in 564, is the first shrine in Hizen, located in the Kawakami Gorge, and is worshipped as a guardian deity of water, rivers, and the sea. It is located “upstream” and is worshipped as a guardian deity of water, rivers, and the sea. Also, according to a legend, a catfish protected people from a snake monster (Kanawa), and the people around the shrine revere the catfish as a messenger of the god and do not eat it.
In 2025, Yodohime Shrine may become a popular spot. Please try it during your first visit to the shrine🐍✨


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