Snake in Hakuryu Shrine, Miyazaki pref. 18km


GPS art of a snake, drawn at a Snake spot in Miyazaki🐍✨

This GPS art course takes visitors to the area around Hakuryu Shrine, a famous snake’s spot in Miyazaki, where you can draw a snake, the animal of the Chinese zodiac.
Located on the border of Miyakonojo City and Takahara Town in Miyazaki Prefecture, Hakuryu Shrine is known as a shrine where one can meet the White Snake. It is said that the “shimenawa,” a sacred rope decorated at New Year’s, is derived from “the mating figure of the white snake,” and the actual mating figure is known to have been photographed for the first time in Japan. The shrine is also known for being the first place in Japan where the actual image of the mating snake was photographed.
In 2025, Hakuryu Shrine may become a popular spot. Please try it during your first visit to the shrine🐍✨


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