“ゆ (Hot Spring)” in Arima, Hyogo pref. 2km


GPS art of “YU” to be drawn in one of the most famous hot springs in Japan♨✨

A course of GPS art of “ゆ (hotspring)” drawing in Arima Onsen, one of the three most famous hot springs in Japan.
Arima has a very long history, and was recorded as a hot spring resort in the Japanese Bible. In the Muromachi period (1336-1573), it was considered one of the “Three Famous Hot Springs” and was ranked as “Nishi Ozeki” (the highest rank at that time) in the hot spring ranking system of the Edo period (1603-1867).
The out-spa (bathhouses that do not involve overnight stay) include “Kin-no-yu” (gold spring) and “Gin-no-yu” (silver spring).
The distance is enough to do a little sightseeing. If you stop by Arima, please try them while you are there ♨✨



Source: Wikimedia Commons


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