Thunder (雷) in Asakusa, Tokyo 4km


GPS art drawing on Asakusa Kaminarimon, one of Japan’s most popular tourist attractions✨

This GPS art course allows you to draw a famous landmark while sightseeing in Asakusa, one of Japan’s most popular tourist spots.
It is one of the most iconic symbols of Japan that always appears in Japanese tourist guides. It is the gate of Senso-ji Temple, but it was not until 1795 that giant lanterns were hung from it. It became famous throughout Japan when it was used as a motif in ukiyoe woodblock prints. The gate itself was rebuilt over time, and the current Kaminarimon was built in 1960.
Since the distance is short, this course can be enjoyed purely as a sightseeing tour of Asakusa. Please try it when you visit Asakusa!


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