Yoshikawa (吉川) in Yoshikawa, Saitama pref. 15km


GPS art of the place name “Yoshikawa” drawn in Yoshikawa City✨

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw the place name “Yoshikawa” in Yoshikawa City, Saitama.
The origin of the place name “Yoshikawa (吉川)” comes from the name “Ashikawa (芦川),” which was given to a river flowing through a low marshy (芦) area near here in the old days, where reeds grew in abundance. The name was changed to “Yoshikawa” in the present day.
In 1889, Yoshikawa Village was established. The population began to grow during the period of rapid economic growth after the Pacific War, and the Musashino Line opened in 1973. As the transportation infrastructure was established, the population grew, and the city now has a population of over 70,000.
This course depicts a tour of Yoshikawa Station and the surrounding residential and rice paddy fields. You can enjoy the atmosphere of a growing bedroom town. Please give it a try!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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