Warabi (蕨) in Warabi, Saitama pref. 14km


GPS art of the place name “Warabi” drawn in Warabi City✨

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw the place name “Warabi” in Warabi City, Saitama.
There are two theories as to the origin of the place name: one is that the name is derived from the plant “Warabi” and the other is that the word “Warabi” was changed from “Warabi (straw fire)” to “Warabi. The “Warabi” plant is believed to have been named after the plant because many nearby places were named after plants. Another theory is that Yoshitsune Minamoto named the village “Warabi” after seeing the smoke rising up from the fire, and another theory is that Narihira Ariwara named the village “Warabi” after the hospitality he received from the people who cooked straw fire.
It is the smallest city in Japan in terms of area. The land is often called “Warabistan” because of the large number of Turkish Kurds living in the area. This course is mostly residential area, but you can enjoy the whole Warabi city. Please give it a try!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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