Tokorozawa (所沢) in Tokorozawa, Saitama pref. 11km


GPS art of the place name “Tokorozawa” drawn in Tokorozawa City✨

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw the place name “Tokorozawa” in Tokorozawa City, Saitama.
The name of Tokorozawa used to be “Tokorosawa” (野老沢). One is that the name was derived from the name of a stream thick with the Tokoro plant (野老), and the other is that it is a corruption of the Ainu word “tooro,” meaning a stream.
This course is a tour of Tokorozawa Aviation Memorial Park, which used to be an airfield, Tokorozawa Station, and Kusunokidai, the largest residential area in Tokorozawa. This course is also recommended for Tokorozawa walkers, as the area is representative of the region. Please give it a try!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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  4. 沖田神社の蛇(岡山県岡山市)のGPSアート

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  3. TokyoCircleWalk

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  4. Cherry Blossom in around Nago Castle Park 16km

  5. Cherry Blossom in Osaka Castle 9km