Snake in Snake Pond, Saitama City 14km


GPS art of a snake, drawn at a Snake spot in Saitama🐍✨

This GPS art course takes visitors to the area around Snake Pond (蛇池), a famous snake’s spot in Saitama, where you can draw a snake, the animal of the Chinese zodiac.
Within the precincts of Omiya Hikawa Shrine, one of Saitama Prefecture’s most popular Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) spots, there is a secluded Snake Pond. The reason it is not well known may be because until recently it was a no-go area. Snake Pond is one of the sources of water in Minuma, which is deeply connected with the Hikawa faith, and water still gushes out even today. It is said that Hikawa Shrine was established because of this snake pond, and is therefore said to be the birthplace of Hikawa Shrine.
Snake Pond is also known as one of the most powerful power spots in the Kanto area. Please visit during your Hatsumode (New Year’s visit) 🐍✨


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