Snake in Hakuryu Shrine, Nagoya, Aichi pref. 10km


GPS art of a snake drawn at one of Nagoya’s most popular Hatsumode spot🐍✨

This GPS art course takes you to the area around Hakuryu Shrine, a Aichi’s spot associated with snakes, where you can draw a snake, the animal of the Chinese zodiac.
Hakuryu Shrine in Nagoya City is dedicated to the Dragon God and is known for its benefits of prosperous business, financial prosperity, and good fortune. There is a shrine dedicated to “Shirohebi sama,” a white snake, with ascending and descending torii gates and a serpent-shaped Omokaruseki stone. The white snake is believed to be auspicious because of its rarity, and worshippers are believed to receive money and fortune from the snake when they visit the shrine.
Since 2025 is the Year of the Snake, Iwakuni Shirohebi Shrine may become a popular spot. Please try it during your first visit to the temple🐍✨


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