Koshigaya (越谷) in Koshigaya, Saitama pref. 20km


GPS art of the place name “Koshigaya” drawn in Koshigaya City✨

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw the place name “Koshigaya” in Koshigaya City, Saitama.
The place name “Koshigaya (越谷)” originated from a marshy area (valley: 谷) suitable for agriculture located across a river (koshi: 越), which was named “Koshigaya (越ヶ谷)”. As time passed, the “ヶ” was dropped and the name was changed to “Koshigaya (越谷)” when the town of Koshigaya was created through a merger in 1954. The central part of Koshigaya City has a “ヶ” in “越ヶ谷,” but the place name created after the merger has no “ヶ” as “Kitakoshigaya (北越谷)”. …So confusing.
This course can be drawn around the central part of the city where Koshigaya Station and Koshigaya City Hall are located, and both banks of the Moto-arakawa River that flows through the center of the city. You can enjoy a walk in Koshigaya and learn about the origins of the area. Please give it a try!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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