Kawagoe (川越) in Kawagoe, Saitama pref. 13km


GPS art of the place name “Kawagoe” drawn in Kawagoe City✨

This is a series of GPS art courses that draw the place name “Kawagoe” in Kawagoe City, Saitama.
There are various theories as to the origin of the name of Kawagoe (川越). One theory is that the name was changed from “Kawagoe (河越)” or “Kawagoe (河肥),” and another is that the villages that straddle the river merged to form one village, Kawagoe-mura.
This course can be drawn around the sightseeing area called Koedo, which is located north of Kawagoe Station. There are many sightseeing spots, so you can even enjoy GPS art while sightseeing. Please try it when you stop by Kawagoe!


Source: Wikimedia Commons


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