Oni in Kinu, Shimotsuma, Ibaraki pref. 13km


GPS art of demons, drawn in the land of demons✨

Fuku wa uchi! This is a GPS art course where you can draw demons on places named after demons.
This is GPS art to be drawn in Kinu (鬼怒), Shimotsuma City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
This district is located in the Kinu River basin. The boundary line is clearly visible on the map, but it can be inferred that the area where the Kinu River used to be a former river channel became the present Kinu.
Kinu means “river” in the language of the indigenous Ainu people. It is also said that the name derives from the sound of the river’s violent current and rocks crashing against each other, which makes it seem as if “demons” are angry.


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