Oni in Onigi, Sanjo, Nigata pref. 16km


GPS art of demons, drawn in the land of demons✨

Fuku wa uchi! This is a GPS art course where you can draw demons on “places named after demons.
This GPS art is drawn in Onigi (鬼木), Sanjo City, Niigata Prefecture. Onigi, located on the east bank of the Kariyata River, appears in a 1567 document as a land given to Masanoh Iwai as a result of warfare, and in 1637 a new rice field was developed in the vicinity and named Onigi-shinden. The origin of the place name is unknown, but it is assumed that the name was probably derived from a large tree (ohgi: 大木) that stood in the area, and that it became the current name of the area.


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